Posted by nerdpulse | 10:58 AM | 0 comments »

What is wrong with people that they can't even acknowledge each other anymore? I understand I live in a city, I get that sometimes it's a hostile environment. I just have a problem with the fact that it carries over into work.
I work in an office with twenty people surrounding me. I have this weird tic that when I drink strong coffee, I sneeze about 3 seconds later. Weird, I know. But when I'm drinking said coffee (see: Every morning) I sneeze quite a bit. NOT ONE PERSON WHO SITS AROUND ME HAS THE COMMON MANNERS TO SAY "BLESS YOU".
Not sure why, I just figure it's because they're douchebags and assholes. Which brings me to my next point. Why does no one make eye contact or say hello at work? Just because I work in a tightly packed concrete penis with forty stories of disgruntled workers doesn't mean people can't at least give each other a nod, smile, wink, grunt...hell I'd take a middle finger at this point.
If you walk by me in the hall, just nod, or say hello, or something.
Case in point. I go to the bathroom. When I enter, it's empty, I get rid of some coffee, go to wash my hands. As I turn around from a urinal to get to the sink, some dude walks in. I try to make eye contact just to be polite, but he walks past me, eyes fixed, like he's smuggling a kilo through customs. In this instance the kilo would his johnson, which he would be smuggling to...never mind. Point is, he avoided me like I was going to stab him and take his money. And he was my CO-WORKER.
I can bitch all I want, but these people will never change.
Maybe I'll just start saying hello really really loudly as they pass me. Startle those bastards out of their little shells.


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