This is sure to be a discussion that's never been had before.
Who was the best James Bond?
1) I have to go with Sean Connery. Not because his movies are better or because he was the coolest, but because he was the first.
Without him, we wouldn't have the charming, tuxedo-wearing, martini-swilling, henchman-slaying, cocky, debonair lady's man portrayed in all 30-some-odd movies.
All the mannerisms and behavior originated with Sean Connery's interpretation of the famed British spy.
Who is MY favorite?
Daniel Craig hands down. Lots of people will disagree, but those who "get" the new JB movies will understand. He's just so damn cool. I think I might have a non-gay man crush on him.
Worst James Bond?
Roger Moore. Wooden-acting, hairy-backed, cheesy-delivering douchebag. Worst. Bond. Ever.
Hottest Bond Girl?
Anyone who knows me knows the answer to this. Halle Berry.
Who do you guys like?
I like Daniel Craig, hands down. But if there's a Sean Connery Bond movie on tv, I will watch it any day. As for my favorite Bond babe? I'm not a dude, so that doesn't matter, I can tell you the worst one... Denise Richards by far! I liked Famke Jannsen though.