Desperately Seeking Relevance

Posted by nerdpulse | 5:19 PM | 0 comments »

Just listened to a new song from Eminem called "The Warning" which disses Mariah Carey over their brief romance.
Apparently she denies that they were ever together, so then he says, "nuh-uh girlfriend" and releases this song explicitly describing their relationship, including his premature um….finish to their only time humping.
I used to love Eminem. I used to like looking at Mariah Carey. But this smacks of over-the-hill shenanigans and attempting to remain relevant in a world that's moving on.
Marilyn Manson tried this a while back, attempting to create more controversy to boost his popularity/relevancy under sagging record sales. How'd that work out for him? Haven't seen him in the news or on the celebutard shows for years now.
Yo Em, take it like a man and move on. Mariah, you're fat and I think you might be legally retarded. Just shut up and fade into the background already.


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